You're in good hands

Whether you're a government agency, publicly listed financial institution, insurance company or any other organization having high security requirements, no need to worry.

We will pass your security assessment and you can be rest assured the automation will run without any security risks.
Contact us for a Security Assessment

Manage all your tasks in one sleek dashboard

No missing tickets

Streamline your sales and keep your customers happy with shortened response times and no missed opportunities.
Learn more
"Syncing sales with inventory was so smooth with Unicorns. No more gaps between sales and merchandise while dealing with prospective leads."
-Rudra Ghosh, CEO, Vermillion

Quick action based on real-time data

With all your data and systems synced on one dashboard, you're always ahead of the situation.
Learn more
"We've hit our projected numbers and more with the ability to take action with real-time data."
-Pritom Rani, VP Sales, Cobalt

Security Certifications

Make by Celonis has secured ISO27001 certification and has implemented SOC2 compliance procedures. The platform is GDPR compliant.

Endpoint Security

All endpoints (computers, laptops, etc.) use encrypted storage, secure passwords, and auto-locking mechanisms. All devices are patched to the latest stable OS update and application updates.

Patch Management

Make cares deeply about the stability and availability of our services. That’s why all critical issues are patched immediately.

Workflow management made super simple

Set and track organization to individual-level goals
Monitor timelines and match them against departments
View all your data in one place at the same time
Make real-time decisions
Start Your Free Trial
Set and track organization to individual-level goals
Monitor timelines and match them against departments
View all your data in one place at the same time
Make real-time decisions
Start Your Free Trial

Here's what our customers say

"I can't believe how much easier Unicorns made our lives. We're saving so much time with their automated tracking!"
-Rudra Ghosh
CEO, Vermillion
"Our customer service rating has improved so much ever since we adopted Unicorns. The smooth integrations and easy tracking system has shortened ticket response times considerably."
-Pritom Rani
VP Sales, Cobalt
132 user rating
132 user rating
132 user rating
132 user rating

Seamless integration with all your favorite tools

We do the tracking so you don't have to waste time manually logging data.
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